
Funny Face

Nice do.

Love the Monkey Boy face.

So photogenic. It's fun to get pics while Went is on his changing table, he seems to always be happy there.

Bath Time

Wentzle loves bath time. He gets mesmerized by the running water. (he has come along way from his early days, when he would scream the entire time)


Monkey Boy

This has become a very common facial expression for Went lately.
He loves to "blow" (spitting) bubbles.

Good Times

Carlin had Went giggling, so I thought I would get it on film (he's so cute when he giggles). Of course, the second I got out the camera, Wentzle stopped and just went after the camera. He has really become aware and courious of his surroundings. He loves to "taste" everything! (the remote, our cell phones, my hair-you get the picture)


Went @ 6 months

I can't believe he is already 6 months old. Time is a fly'in.

Here are some milestones that he has accomplished:
- Sits on his own, until something out of his reach catches his eye and he goes for it and tips over
- Holds his bottle while eating. (there is a picture showing him holding a bottle one handed while touching his toes.) - "Chats". He loves to babble/scream to himself or anyone that will listen.

- Can roll both from back to front and front to back. (he has started to do this on his changing table, which can make things interesting)
- Grabs and holds objects. (he really likes my hair)

Some things he is still hasn't mastered, yet:
- Solids. He just doesn't seem to love eating off of a spoon. He does seem to like Pears and Yams, when he decides to eat. (the picture to the left, is one of those days)
- Crawling. I can put him on his hands and knees and he supports himself, but he hasn't started moving. I know it is a bit early for this, but he has been kicking up a storm. So I am sure he will be crawling soon. (this is both good and bad)

All in all, Went seems to be a happy, healthy boy.


Wentzle had his 6 month checkup on Friday (October 17th). I had to go by myself, since Carlin has been down in Denver training for his new job. He's weighs 15 lbs and is 25 1/4" long. I know that may seem small to some, but the doctor assured me that he is in the 50 percentile for his measurements. (I guess you could say he is very proportionate) He had to get 2 vaccine shots and the first flu shot. We have to go back in a month to get the second. I can't complain, Went does pretty good when getting shots. He usually only cries for a couple of minutes after then he is all good. I can't wait for the day that he gets to go to the doctor and doesn't get any shots. I think it is harder on us to see him get them. I really hate to hear him scream.


Minnesota Trip

We just got back from visiting the fam in MN. The trip went good but I wish the weather would have been better (it rained alot). It was Wentzle's first trip on an airplane. He did better than we had expected. Here are a few photos.
Went and daddy watching football.

Went playing

Great-Grandma Jo with the great-grand kids

Went wanted to make sure Grandma cleaned under the chair

A beautiful day in Saint Paul.


Went can drink his bottle and touch his toes all at the same time.