We just think it's funny when W says his whole name and where he lives. (We are still working on his address)
Carving Pumpkins
W got see his first pumpkin carving. (last year the pumpkins froze before we could carve. since it snowed, we now have the pumpkins inside-the woes of living in the mountains.)
W didn't really like getting his hands "dirty".
C carved all of the pumpkins under W's direction. The one to the left is W's, C's is the first on the right and I got the small one.
According to W, his pumpkin is happy, C's is scary and mine is Mommy.
The Zoo
We enjoyed a nice fall day at the Denver Zoo recently. W had a blast. It's amazing how many of the animals he knows by name.
W loved feeding the birds. We had never done that before. My guess, we will never be able to not do it again.
W eating some lunch.
Once again, W sleeping in the car after an exciting day in the Front Range.
The Greatest Show on Earth....
Even with a $37 ticket, $15 program, $9 snow cone, $12 cotton candy (which W refused to try) and $6 popcorn... going to the circus with W was priceless.
W was a bit stand offish during the pre-show, but he settled right in, on my lap, once the show started. (good thing we had his empty seat to put all of his loot on)
If you can look past all of the animal cruelty that the circus is accused of, it truly is amazing what they get elephants to do.
This seems to be the way that W always ends his trips to Denver.
Reach for the Sky...
...if you don't know Toy Story, this is one of the things Woody says. He also says "there's a snake in my boot" & "someone's poisoned the waterhole". Do you wonder why I know this? W says it over and over as he runs around the house with his new Woody figurine. (I've also seen Toy Story 1 & 2 a few too many times.) He was a Buzz man but no more since he got Woody (Christmas came a bit early). He says thanks to G-ma & G-pa E.
Wait until Halloween, W is going to be a Cowboy. He is very excited.
Wait until Halloween, W is going to be a Cowboy. He is very excited.
Woody can also skateboard,
and fly.
Pumpkin Hunting
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