I can't believe how fast time is flying. Zeph started school at the
beginning of November. He seems to be adjusting well. His teachers
think he is very easy going. He really likes drinking out of bottles
and baby watching. He has started smiling when you talk to him. He has also started to drool or blow bubbles quite a bit (teething already?). W likes to make him laugh. It is still pretty hard to capture Zeph smiling, as you can tell from the photos (he sees the flash on the camera and immediately puts on his stoic look). Still doesn't have much hair. Finally he staring to fill in a bit, he is not so ETish looking. All in all, Zeph is a fun, happy baby and W is becoming a very good big brother.
Some likes: toys or things that crinkle, mobiles, when you make noises with your mouth, being held & talked to, school, staring at himself in the mirror
Some dislikes: being ignored (he prefers to be part of the group), waiting to eat, napping (he does not like to miss anything)