This year we met Mads and her Mom & little brother for the parade. Her Dad rode in the Fire Cracker 50, which is a crazy 50 mile mountain bike race that is the start of the parade.
As with all parades that Breck puts on, they start late. But you have to get their early, especially for the 4th if you want to be able to see, so we have to get creative with the waiting time. The kids did pretty good. The parents did better (because we could get bloody marys from The Whale's Tale). Once the parade started, they were pretty excited.
"Whennnnnnn is the parade going to startttttttttt?"
Cheering on the start of the Fire Cracker 50 with Mads.
Hanging with daddy.
Collecting candy (so much candy, it was rediculious!)
Z having fun at the parade (even though it was his nap time).
W getting a hug from one of his classmates, Piper (she was in the parade).
Cool Cat.
Having some lunch at my office (which is right by where we watch the parade).
W watching fireworks from the comfort of our couch.
Due to fire restrictions, fireworks were cancelled for the entire county, so this worked. We could see really well and didn't have to set outside in the cold!