I thought it would be fun to try and keep record of Wentzle's stats on the blog, since this has pretty much replaced his (paper) baby book.

So here's a rundown on W @ 22 mos:
eye color: blue
hair color: sandy blonde
height: 31.75"
weight: 24 lbs
nicknames: W, Buddy, Little Man, Little Boo, Wentz
hobbies: boards (skate, snow, surf, etc), riding his push bike, reading books, sledding, running, talking (a lot), playing @ the park, surfing the web, bugs-they have beetles at school named Jack, Bitty (actually Speedy, but it sounds like bitty when W says it) Bobcat & Sparrow
food he likes: pizza, popcorn, cheese, waffles & seepup (syrup), ice cream, noodles, feegs (scrambled tofu, aka fake eggs)
food he doesn't like: there really isn't anything he won't at least try, which is awesome
favorite tv shows: Yo Gabba Gabba, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Handy Manny, Jack's Big Music Show & any coverage of snowboarding
favorite movies: Wall-E, Toy Story, Shrek & Monsters vs Aliens
fan of: riding the bus (he sometime sings the "wheels on the bus go round & round..."), rosies (ring around the rosie), choo choo trains, wagon rides, helmets & goggles, accessories (you name it-belts, hats, shades, phones, shoes etc.), school, parades, knucks, high 5s
not a fan of:
getting off of the bus, going to bed, being told "no" (but who does), coming in from outside
a couple of milestones:
~W got his first kiss from a girl (Kate, his unofficial girlfriend) and a boy (Landon, his bro). It was too cute, he got them when he was leaving school yesterday.
~walks up and down stairs all by himself
~W shreds on his skateboard, he has been working on a few "tricks"
~puts words together, for example-Daddy sit, Mommy eat (he is really into telling us what we should be doing), etc.
I am still laughing! I am so aware of how my little man thinks so it is nothing but fun, reading all about
him. Wentzle, you are Grammy's everything!!!!
I understand why you get kisses, because you are irresistible :) Grammy can hardly wait to give you
kisses and hugs XOXOXOX
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