
Gondola Rides

W and I recently took the gondola up to Peak 8. It's great, the gondola is free year-round. Breck Ski Resort put in a new fun park up there this summer. There are now huge lodges at the bases of both Peak 7 & 8, which brings more people up the mountain year round. It's crazy how much things have changed in the short time I have lived here.

W had to check out the beautiful flowers.

Riding the gondola.

Jang Jang

W rockin' out.
(Jang Jang is what he usually says when he play "guitar")

Sprinkler Fun

Even though it's pretty cold, W couldn't resist playing in the sprinkler while the grass was getting watered. A true mountain boy.

W drinking from the sprinkler.


W hang'in on the new patio. Carlin did an awesome job. It only took him 2 days to do the project.

He was very parched after all of the skateboarding.

W thought thinks Zoey's bed is a trampoline.

W being rad.

Family Fun Fest

We met G-ma & G-pa Shotts at the Frisco Family Fun Fest again this year. Good times were had by all. Best of all, it was all free.

W watching over the scene.

W really enjoys getting batted around in the bouncy playground.

W havin' a little snack. (he was all worn out after throwing a tantrum)

This was one of W's favorite booths, it was called bricks for kids. They let W build a mini fig (lego guy) and race him down the ramp, multiple times. He even got to keep the mini fig.

By far, W's favorite thing of the day, was riding in the fire engine. He even got a fireman's hat.

Giddy Up. W is a cowboy, just ask him.

W loved playing the bean bag game, he got a horsey, cause every cowboy needs a Bullseye (just like Woody in Toy Story 2).

Ridin' the choo choo train.

Summer Hiking

Here are a bunch of photos from some hikes we took this summer.

W looking for wild strawberries (if you look closely, you can see the tiny things). He got really into it. They were tasty.

W warding off bears.

He had to carry this stick.

Up by the BOEC. It's a bit touristy, so the dogs had to be on leashes.

Peak 8 looking back at Breck.

Heading up Peak 8.

Our old hood, Peak 7. One of the places we lived before we bought our house.

Hiking near Placer Valley, which is out past Alma (South Park).

W stretching his legs.

Some nice scenery on the Wheeler Trail.


W stats @ 28 monthish revised

Note: Sorry I had to delete the first post, some of the text didn't show up. So, here is the complete blog that should have posted. Enjoy!

W is 2. And he lets us know everyday. He moved up to the 2 year old room at school in April. He is talking and singing all the time. He's coordinated (he will tell you so), cool, awesome, rad, a cowboy, a rockstar, a skater, extreme, sensitive and amazing.

hair length: still has not had his first haircut.
height: ~35"
weight: ~25#
nicknames: W, Rockstar, Cowboy, Buddy.

hobbies: jumping (off any & everything), playing "guitar" (he plays his shovel & his new toy guitar), skateboarding, riding his push bike, reading books, running, playing @ the park, singing (Twinkle, Twinkle is his fav), skping, parkour (extreme walking), riding in the bike trailer, watching live music & throwing tantrums.

food he likes: cheese, homemade pizza (Daddy makes the best), waffles, noodles, cereal, bars (granola), watermelon, ice cream, sour cream, cream cheese (pretty much anything with cream in the name), chocolate milk (finally, after almost a year of not drinking any milk).

food he doesn't like: depends on the day, time & place.

favorite tv shows (not that he watches a lot, but...): Mickey Mouse Club, Jack's Big Music Show, Yo Gabba Gabba.

favorite movies: Toy Story, Shrek, Cars & Where the Wild Things Are (the first non-cartoon movie W sat thru).

fan of: the park, bikes, the bus, helmuts & goggles, motorcycles, wagon rides, school, parades, knucks, high 5s, giving hugs, skateboards, siedwalk chalk, guitars.

not a fan of: C & I not doing what he asks of us.

a couple of milestones:
~ knows his abcs
~ can count to 10, sometimes higher
~ rides his push bike (it's a balance bike without petals
~ vocabulary, it's amazing how many words he knows and continues to learn, He also has started to copy everything we say (which includes a couple of swear words - oops).
~ he knows how to moonwalk, we still can't figure out why.
~ W knows his whole name, Wentzle George Shotts


The Show

We went to Imagination Express a couple of weeks ago (it was a fundraiser for his school-Carriage House). We saw about 3 minutes of the show before W went into a full on tantrum. The performers let the kids up before the show began. Once they asked them to return to their seats, W lost it. C had to take him outside and when they returned, W just could not sit in a seat and watch the show.
We found out later that a couple of the kids were on stage for the entire show, which is what W wanted. Maybe next year. He did enjoy the pizza & juice box on the Riverwalk Center lawn before the show. It turns out that 2 years are pretty happy just running around (and it's free).

Bluegrass & Brews Fest 2010

Here are a couple of photos of W enjoying the Free Kids Zone @ Keystone, while C and I sampled some great brews.

When the sun was out, this thing was hot, but that did not deter W from bouncing away.

A natural lil shredder.

Having a snack and enjoying the people watching.

It's raining, it's pouring....

the old man is snoring, went to bed and couldn't get up in the morning. (W is pretty good at the first part, but he is still working on this last part)

So, I guess we are in monsoon season here in Summit County. We have had some pretty crazy rain storms in the past week. It rained all afternoon and into the night yesterday. W was getting a little stir crazy, so he got his rain coat & galoshes on and went outside to play in the puddles. I think he would have stayed out longer had we let him. He was a bit wet by the end.

The Aftermath...

W got into his warm jammies and had some hot chocolate after his puddlefest.

He was a tired little boy after all that splashing. He slept hard last night (it helped that he didn't take a nap. He has decided that he doesn't need one anymore, much to my dismay).