W is 2. And he lets us know everyday. He moved up to the 2 year old room at school in April. He is talking and singing all the time. He's coordinated (he will tell you so), cool, awesome, rad, a cowboy, a rockstar, a skater, extreme, sensitive and amazing.
hair length: still has not had his first haircut.
height: ~35"
weight: ~25#
nicknames: W, Rockstar, Cowboy, Buddy.height: ~35"
weight: ~25#
hobbies: jumping (off any & everything), playing "guitar" (he plays his shovel & his new toy guitar), skateboarding, riding his push bike, reading books, running, playing @ the park, singing (Twinkle, Twinkle is his fav), skping, parkour (extreme walking), riding in the bike trailer, watching live music & throwing tantrums.
food he likes: cheese, homemade pizza (Daddy makes the best), waffles, noodles, cereal, bars (granola), watermelon, ice cream, sour cream, cream cheese (pretty much anything with cream in the name), chocolate milk (finally, after almost a year of not drinking any milk).
food he doesn't like: depends on the day, time & place.
food he doesn't like: depends on the day, time & place.
favorite tv shows (not that he watches a lot, but...): Mickey Mouse Club, Jack's Big Music Show, Yo Gabba Gabba.
favorite movies: Toy Story, Shrek, Cars & Where the Wild Things Are (the first non-cartoon movie W sat thru).
fan of: the park, bikes, the bus, helmuts & goggles, motorcycles, wagon rides, school, parades, knucks, high 5s, giving hugs, skateboards, siedwalk chalk, guitars.
not a fan of: C & I not doing what he asks of us.
a couple of milestones:
~ knows his abcs
~ can count to 10, sometimes higher
~ rides his push bike (it's a balance bike without petals
~ he knows how to moonwalk, we still can't figure out why.
~ W knows his whole name, Wentzle George Shotts
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