
Zeph weeks 15 & 16

 Zephyr is a pretty mellow baby.  He really is aware and curious about his surroundings.  It's becoming easier to get him to laugh and smile (but not on camera).  He still doesn't have much hair.  He has started to fill out.  He also is rolling over (back to front and front to back). W loves being a big brother.  We find him entertaining Z and laughing hysterically at himself.  I think Z loves the interaction. 
He had his 4 mos check up about a week and a half ago.  He measured 24.5" in length and 9 lbs 15.5 oz.  We are working on getting his weight up, since he should be closer to 14 lbs to stay on the chart.  Somehow Carlin and I produce skinny babies (W was consistently in the 10% for weight).

1 comment:

Went's Grammy said...

Love those eyes, those eyelashes, those toes!!
Z.........the definition of sweetness XOXO