
Silly Boy

What can I say, the boy loves his pasta.

Beep Beep

Along with bikes, Wentzle loves cars. He calls all motorized vehicles (boats, cars, pretty much anything with a steering wheel) Beep Beeps. So, Carlin made him a car out of diaper boxes (which we have no shortage of). I guess he wears his helmet to be safe while driving so fast in his cardboard car. He even likes to use real keys to "start" his car.


Play "room"

We really don't have any room, so we have made Wentle a play area in the corner of the living room. He doesn't seem to mind. Here he is working on his coloring skills.


Carlin recently got Wentzle a b-ike. Here he is trying to "ride" it. He even makes the motorized noises.
He loves bikes, whether they are his or other peoples.