
Rock Climbing


 W started rock climbing class at the rec center a couple of weeks ago.  He really seems to be enjoying himself.  We were not sure how he would be with the harness and rope, but he likes it.  C is going to get recertified so that W can continue climbing this winter. 

The Rock

W got to hang out with G-ma & G-pa Shotts this weekend.  He finally got to climb the Castle shaped Rock.  It was pretty cool.  He was not able to climb all the way to the top of the "rock" because it was beyond his skills. 


Oktoberfest 2011

Oktoberfest is one of my favorite events and this year was kind of a bust.  It rained most of the day.  W did get a new rain coat and fleece.  Zeph was pretty unfazed.  He slept in his dry, warm & cozy stroller.  All in all we did not let the rain get us down.  Hopefully next year will bring better weather.



Zeph chillin' on his changing table having a conversation with his mobile.

Are you ready for some Football?

W and C getting ready for football.
W is a fan of the Packers (as you can tell by their shirts), since daddy is. W always wants to know if there is going to be any "stuffing" happening during the game (all because C said something about the Packers stuffing the ball).


More Two Wheelin'

W is full on riding his two wheeler. He kept telling us he was going to wait until he was 4, but he decided about 2 weeks ago that he was going to ride and he hasn't stopped. He spent this last weekend riding for hours in the cul-de-sac at G-ma & G-pa Shotts house. He is still working on getting started by himself, but he has already moved onto trying out tricks while he rides.


Duck Race

Labor Day brings the Annual Duck Race in Breck. This year we had the company of both Grandparents (Shotts & Erickson) and Uncle Chuck and Gracie. W had a blast.

W checking out the fire engine.

dropping the biz ducks (there are 3 races-kids, business & open)

and they are off
(open race, has ~10,000 ducks)

we usually watch the end of the race, but this year we watched from the start.


Zeph's 3rd & 4th Weeks

Zeph is doing well. Still sleeping, eating and pooping.
W is very helpful, always getting diapers & wipes or watching Zeph and letting me know when he is fussing.

Feeding Zeph

From the very beginning, W has been very curious about Zeph eating. While in the hospital, he was not shy about getting right up close to see the action. At home, he keeps asking if I can squeeze some milk into a cup for him to see. And now that I have started pumping, he has new questions. He is too funny about it all. He can't wait until Zeph can eat real food.