
W's 2nd Birthday

W is now 2 and he is not letting us forget. The tantrums are interesting, to say the least. W got pizza and pie (2 of his favorite foods) on his actual birthday. He did not seem to be a big fan of fruit pie, I guess cream pies & quiche (which he calls pie) are more up his alley. He really hasn't had much pie in his 2 years of life, but he sure does want it a lot. W can't stop talking about his birthday.

W eating pie and cream with Daddy.

Grammy ordered W a blue skateboard cake, but got this awesome chocolate forrest cake instead. Everyone loved it. Ever since his birthday, W has been singing the "Happy Birthday" song. It's really cute.

W's favorite b-day gift, hands down was the Toy Story scooter. He almost did not get off to eat cake.

W really got into opening gifts this year. (We recently went to another b-day party for a 2 year old and W knew all about the gifts and wanted them)

W riding & fine tuning his new scooter.

W didn't eat much during his birthday, but he did have a nice healthy snack later.

Easter 2010

W really got in to Easter this year. He was pretty stoked with what the Easter bunny brought him, Toy Story (aka WoodyBuz). I tried to get a picture with him in the bunny ears, he just wasn't having it.

He got a chocolate bunny in his basket that he "hopped" around with. He didn't know it was chocolate until the next day when the foil ripped. He did like the candy necklace, which he didn't know was candy until I showed him. It didn't last long after that.

We headed down to Grammy & Papa's house, where he got his own Easter egg hunt. The cousins hide all of the eggs and then helped him find them.

He even tried one of the eggs (and he doesn't even like eggs).