
Our Lil' Monkey

Zeph got this cute bunting outfit from G-ma & G-pa E.  He even has a matching buddy.

Z weeks 10 & 11

Zeph is starting to develop  his own little personality.  It's been hard to capture him smiling.  As soon as the camera flash goes off, he is intrigued.

Z still doesn't have much hair.  He has been working on his "worried" look. 

Zeph was 20.5" and 9 lbs at his 2 mos check up.  So  longer then W, but same weight.  We are trying to put some meat on him, but he is very efficient.

Art Project

Here is the final product from all of the leaf and pine cone gathering that W and I did.


Winter has arrived

We got a taste of winter a couple of weekends ago.  W got to try out his new snow gear.  He was very excited to get out in the snow. 
His day consisted of a snowball fight with C, a couple of laps on his 2 wheeler and shoveling the front walk.  
The snow was all gone the next day. 


W has started "reading" to Zephyr.  Z seems to like it.  W points to the words & tells Z what they are.  If you ask W, he will tell you can read words (when they have pictures).  It is very cute.  

Zeph week 8

Boy how time flys.  Zeph is starting to develop a personalty of his own.  He definitely got my furrowed brow (aka "worried look").  It appears that he may be a nuk-er.  W gave up on his pretty early.  Zeph seems to be taking to his giraffe like W did to Mr. Duckie.  Zeph was 9 #s at his 2 mos dr appointment (same as W), but he seems more lanky then W.  Here are some photos (it's been hard to keep up) of Lil' Zeph.



Zeph Weeks 5 thru 7

I can't believe how fast the time is going.  Zeph is already 8 weeks old!  He still looks a lot like W did when he was little, but Zeph definitely has his own personality.

Some Milestones:
- holds up his head (he's actually been doing this since birth)
- coos and makes sounds when you talk to him
- smiles at us, which is precious
- poops with force (he gets all red in the face and pushes out some very loud farts and then is serine)
- moves his arms and legs around (he actually has started to reach for items on his gym)

Little Cowboys

Grandma & Grandpa E got these for the boys on their adventure thru Utah.  W loves his and Zeph seems to take after his big bro.  Giddy Up!