
Steamboat Springs

We headed to Steamboat Springs for Memorial Day weekend. (we were hoping the weather would be better than Breck) We checked out the Hot Springs pools in town, a few kid parks (as W likes to call them) and just hung out. W kept wondering if the "steamboat" was going to take us to the pool. I think he still doesn't understand that steamboat was the name of the town.

W playing at the park

W talking to C. It is hilarious to watch kids W's age use these things, they don't fully get where the voice that is talking to them is.

Cowboy W. I should mention, Steamboat is cowboy country. There are a bunch of ranches surrounding the town & ski area.

"Woody Round Up"

Our little thug, not by our choice. He has developed quite a mind of his own.

W thought this was the perfect hiding place

Thumbs up to movie time

Hanging with Daddy.

W got a new "Duck" while in Steamboat. He was kind enough to share some chocolate milk with him.

The Zoo

We went to the Chayenne Mountain Zoo in Colorado Springs in May. It's a great zoo/reserve. It's set on a mountain side, so you have to walk up & down hills. The terrain is more natural than any other zoo I have been to and you are able to be pretty close to the animals.

W feeding the giraffes. Yes, you can feed them, W thought it was awesome.


W wants in

W posing with the elephants


The super star being pulled thru the zoo.

Riding the Merry-Go-Round with Daddy

We took the chair lift up to the top of the mountain, which has amazing views of Colorado Springs.

There was a playground at the top, W loved it. He had to go, but was not willing to. (something we have been working on. there really is no contest for seeing how long you can hold it, but he is convinced there is)

There was a yurt with a climbing wall. C was showing W how it's done.


Hangin Outside

W hanging on the back stairs, having a snack one sunny spring day. So cool with his new shades.


Mother's Day 2011

I had a great Mother's Day this year. W and C took me to breakfast and then we went to a park in Evergreen (which had no snow).

We succeed in wearing out W.

"I go pee outside"

W gave me a great Mother's Day gift - he peed standing up, outside! We were so proud.
Now we just have to get him to do it inside.


Potty Bucket

W just could not go poop in the big potty at Grammy & Pa Pa's house, so Daddy offered him a bucket. To our surprise, he was okay with the bucket and actually succeeded in using it.

Happy Easter

Easter morning was pretty exciting for W.

He didn't waste much time getting into the candy.

Bunny W looking for eggs.

W shows off his loot.


W's Birthday Party

W had quite a birthday party. It was kind of Toy Story themed (as you can see by the cake). He invited a couple friends and they had a blast. We did not know that the bunk beds would be such a hit (I think every kid climbed on and off numerous times). It was interesting having four 2-3 yr olds in our little house, plus a couple of cousins and all of the parents. We keep hoping that one of these years it will be nice enough to be outside.