
W and the Snowman

W really wanted to make a snowman, so we did. Luckily we did this before the 50" we just got. The snow is now up over our fence. Needless to say, the snowman did not survive. He had a good run. Daddy and W had even made him a Snowdog.


The Stock Show

This was the first time for W and I to visit the Denver Stock Show (it comes to every year for about 4 weeks in January.) We thought W enjoyed the animals until we came across the John Deer equipment. He climbed on everything he could. It was definitely the highlight of his day.

I forgot the camera, so I had to rely on my phone.

G-ma & G-pa Shotts joined us.

Cowboy W.

W loved the sheep. Some even let you pet them.

Playing at the Park

W and I recently went to Denver for a Costco run. This was early January. It was a beautiful, sunny day. Winter came soon after for Denver.
We stopped at the Arvada Center to have lunch. They have a pretty cool "playground", if you can deal with the geese. (with geese, you get geese pooh)


W climbing on the giant dragon/snake.

W's model pose. I didn't even ask.


Baby #2

I had my first Dr appointment on 1.3.11. Since I am now the 35, the magic number, we get extra tests & ultrasounds this time around. So, here are the first pictures of Baby #2.

We ask W a couple times a week what he wants, a sister or brother. He started out wanting a big sister, now he wants a brother. He did tell me, I could have a girl one and he will have a brother. (since there are 2 pictures, I think he is a bit confused.) He even has come up with names for the baby.