
Lil' Movie Goer

W went to his first movie recently. We saw Gnomeo & Juliet in 3D. He thought it was pretty awesome, especially the popcorn & candy part. He kept the glasses for a souvenir.



W had his first playdate on Valentine's Day with Maddie (or as he likes to call her, Mads).
They had a blast. We rode the gondola up to the base of Peak 8 and had lunch. Then we made three
round trips on the gondola. Maddie had never been, so I think she was pretty excited. They were too cute. They shared a snack and pretended that monsters were chasing them from other gondolas. I think we may ride the bus for the next playdate.


more on Baby #2

We had our second doctor appointment last week. To our surprise, we got an ultrasound. So here are a couple more pics. This baby seems to already be sucking it's thumb.


Sleeping on the Job

We went "sledding" the other day and W fell a sleep. Sledding consists of walking up the road across the way and riding down. W was snoring before we even got to the turn around spot.

Snow Castle

This year at the Breckenridge International Snow Sculpture Contest, there was a castle that kids could climb on and through. W loved it. It was hard to get him down so we could go look at the sculptures.

It was a beautiful day, I think it got up to 40 (then it went down to below zero the next week).