
Georgetown Train

Grandma & Grandpa E were out visiting recently. (now that my dad is retired, he has all the time in the world to see his Colorado grandkids.) W got to go ride the Georgetown Train with them. He had a blast (as you can see from the photos). He even wore his train hat (which he got riding a train in South Dakota). W loved having solo hang time with his grandparents.


Zeph's Second Week

Here are some photos of Zephyr. He is living up to the stereo type of babies - sleeping, eating and pooping. So far, he is a great at all of those. As far as we can tell, he looks a lot like W, just a little bigger. And just like W, he did not need oxygen and he likes to be swaddled with his arms free. W was a stomach sleeper, Zeph appears to like his side. We are excited to watch the two grow up.



Phew, just entered a bunch of posts. Sorry it has been so long since I have updated the blog. I always start an entry and then forget about posting it. I will have to get better at that. Also, make sure to look back a month, sometimes the posts get posted out of order. This summer is flying by, especially now that Zeph has arrived. We are really hoping for a Indian summer, since the winter was still here til June. We are all doing well. C & I are just trying to get through the non-sleeping phase without killing each other. (We both know we will, but some days harder than others to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Add a three year old and the days can get really long.) W is adjusting well to becoming a big brother. He can't wait until Zeph can take baths with him and sleep on his lower bunk bed.
Stay tuned as Wentzle's World evolves.


Riding a Bike

W rides his 2 wheeler!
He decided it was time. There were a couple of falls, but he was tough.
He keeps telling us he will ride his 2 wheeler when he is 4, yet he keeps on riding.


Brotherly Love

W loves his little bro. He can't wait until Zeph is big enough to take baths with and sleep on his lower bunk.

Burrito Grande y Burrito Poco


Big Bro W

W holding his baby brother, Zephyr.

Super Big Brother

there is really nothing else to say...

Baby Zephyr

August 6th, 2011 - It was a dark and stormy night... no really, it was. B went into labor as a pretty intense summer storm blew through Breckenridge. 1:20
ish: B is in labor, I call Lindsay, she arrives within 10 minutes. 1:40ish: out the door. 1:50ish at the hospital (it takes about 20 minutes for B to make it up to the hospital's birth place from the lobby as she was having contractions about 30 seconds apart). 2:10ish: Into the room we go, B demanding her epidural. This was moving fast! 2:30ish: Lots of labor, B still demanding epidural. 2:35ish: B learns there will be no epidural (okay). 2:40ish: B's water breaks, Dr. informs B & me, "this baby will be out in 5 minutes." 2:48 on-the-dot: Zephyr Charles Shotts is in the World weighing in at 7lb 9oz, length: 20.5". Perfect. We can say, literally and figuratively, that Zephyr's birth came in a storm and W slept through the whole thing!

Getting the Paper

W likes to walk out to get the paper with Daddy.
This was his choice of outfit one of the mornings. He likes to be comfy.

Just like Daddy

W has started wearing "work" shirts (button up shirts with collars & pockets) and jeans to school, just like Daddy. Some day we can convince him to wear shorts, but its not easy. If he keeps this phase up for much longer, I am going to have to find him more work shirts.

Peak 8 Fun

Pre-Zeph, we took the gondola up to Peak 8 to hang out and people watch. W wanted to climb on the snow, so C went with. While hiking around, W found some sweet loot (broken snow making equipment). He was so proud.

W & C conquered the dirty snow pile.

W carrying his loot

Heading back down

Chillin' on the Porch

W loves his watermelon.


W catching a nap

If we try and put W down for a nap, he won't take one. I was reading him a new library book and he fell a sleep before I could finish. I guess he was tried.