
enjoying the fall

We have been enjoying nice fall weather this year.  We have had a few snow falls, but nothing that sticks.  So, we have taken advantage by going on family hikes.  W has been suck a great hiker.  If we keep him focused on something besides the hike, we have logged quiet a few miles.

Z enjoying the view from his perch.

This seems to be a regular occurrence on our hikes.  
It's great that he is so willing to go when he is outside. 


pumkin carving 2012

We finally carved our pumpkins.  We got them kind of early this year (at the end of September) and had to wait so they didn't freeze and turn to mush.  W was stoked .  He carved his pumpkin all by himself!

W loving his pumpkin.

 W concentrating.

W posing with his pumpkin friends. 
 (he chose this pose, as he was a cowboy)


pop pop pop

The boys watching a movie and enjoying daddy made popcorn.  Zeph even got to watch daddy make the popcorn.  We got him doing the sign for popcorn.  I will try to get a video.  We have one of W when he was little making popcorn and doing the sign.

W has become a couch hog.

Zeph laying claim on his popcorn.


Along with our Halloween crafts, we made pumkpin bread.  W is becoming quite a little baker.  He is very helpful with the making part.  We are still working on the waiting for it to bake part.  But he is a great taster.

halloween crafts

W showing off our crafts we made last weekend.  He was very excited to make bats.  
Now we can move on to planning our Thanksgiving crafts.


daddy time

Zeph hanging on daddy before bedtime.


fun at the marina

 We went to Frisco Marina at the end of September for a free concert with Buckner Funken Jazz and fireworks.  We brought a blanket and had a picnic dinner.  It was a lot of fun.  It was the 4th of July we never got.

The boys enjoying the show.

Hanging with daddy.

The fireworks.


the rock

 We finally climbed up to "the rock" in Castle Rock.  W was a great guide.  He did this hike back when he was 3 with his G-ma & G-pa Shotts.  It was beautiful day.  I think we will do this hike again.

 W leading the way.

 posing under the rock.

 "I am king of the world"

Our attempt at our self portrait photos.

 W lead the way all the way to the car.