
easter 2012

We participated in the Breck Rec Center's Great Egg Scramble this year.  It was awesome.  You put a bunch of kids in a gym with some eggs and watch the mayhem ensue.  We meet up with Mads and Colton (both of whom are egg scramble pros).  Zeph was so exhausted by the whole scene, he fell asleep on C.

While waiting for W's age group (3-6 year olds) to be called, we hung out in the tennis courts and tried to keep the meltdowns at bay.  W did some hula hooping (he actually wacked himself in the eye, luckily he rebounded from that incident) and bounced around in bouncy activity thingy. 

W, Colton and Mads waiting for the "hunt" to begin.

There wasn't much searching for eggs, but just trying to get some eggs.  I think it took all of 3 minutes for the "scramble" to be over.  In the end, they make sure that every kid gets a couple of eggs, so every kid goes home happy.  Next year, Zeph will get to participate.  Yeah, we will get to do this twice.

We were a bit surprised that W actually wanted to get his picture taken with the Easter Bunny.   Then when he ended up playing catch with him, we were very surprised. Granted, W likes playing catch so much, I think he would play with anyone. 

We can't wait until next year!

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